Senin, 08 April 2013

TOEFL Strategies for Listening Section

TOEFL Strategies for Listening Section TOEFL listening section, tests the ability of a student, especially a non-native English speaker, to understand spoken English (accentuated) in educational setting. Listening is an important skill to understand the concepts and ideas. Only when the concepts are understood completely it becomes a lighter task to score in the listening section of TOEFL test. In order to develop the listening skills for TOEFL, there are certain set of listening strategies or steps. They are explained in detail given below.

Requirements for TOEFL Listening Strategy
Listening strategies for TOEFL aims at providing each and every minute detail that are required to respond to all the questions within the given time in this section. Responding to the questions in time is very important because, it will help TOEFL candidates to save time, which they might spend on, one specific part of the test section. There are certain steps in strategies that would help in managing time in each part of listening test section (recordings). There are some basic requirements for listening skills which serves the steps in TOEFL listening strategies as detailed below:

Basic Comprehension
When students listen to a recorded lecture or a conversation, they should understand the central or main idea in it. Then they should skim the recording for key points, important facts, purpose and the relevant details that connects the key points.

Practical Understanding
It may also be called as “pragmatic understanding” where the meaning of a word should be taken, according to the context. Students are needed to find the intended meaning of the speaker i.e. from his point of view. A wide range of vocabulary is necessary for this process because, the recordings in listening test are usually from academic background. Practical understanding also becomes a must to find the purpose of a lecture or a conversation. Relate Ideas given in multiple information sources Relating ideas is the final state where the key points and the important facts are compared to find the relationship between them. This method would initially lead to construct an argument. Then a string of supportive and non supportive elements are categorized and as a result the causes for the events are traced. This is where a student would end up identifying the conclusion which is expressed indirectly.

Inference is to find the implied conclusion in recordings from the author’s point of view. The conclusion might be implied or expressed indirectly anywhere in the passage. These are the basic requirements necessary, in each part of the strategy of listening section, which consists of two recorded lectures and one long conversation. These fundamentals are to be followed, in the following few preparatory steps.

Strategies in Preparation
Spoken English From Various Sources And Accents There are variations between the accents of English. It is the best to listen to English from various sources like television, music, radio etc. And also it is good to listen to the native speakers of English with different pronunciation and dialect. By doing this students would be able to improve their listening skills and also they will get used to different kinds of accents. It will be helpful very much if they listen to academic passages or conversations.

Making Notes
While listening to a recording, notes should be jot down. These notes would help you to remember the important points given by speaker. The reason is also that, during the test you will be given only one chance to listen to a passage. Note making will help you to remember the details and the clues effectively.

Main Idea
The main idea of a passage should be identified in a recording, as a first task while taking notes. Main idea of a lecture is usually given in the introductory part. The other details would be given in the rest of a lecture. Once the main idea is found it becomes a lighter task to find the purpose of the speaker.

Pointer Words, Important Facts And Relationship Between The Facts
The pointer words may be defined as signal words or clues, given by the speaker. These keywords should be collected along with important facts and events. This should be done in order to compare them and identify the relationship between them. In turn this would give you the cause of the events.

Summary of Observation
Give a summary of the recording which was listened, using the notes that are taken down. During this process, only important facts, relevant details, main idea and the key facts are covered. This is a good time saving technique, to prevent going through the notes again and again.

Building your Vocabulary
Above all it is also important to build a student’s vocabulary, to find the meaning of a word, according to the context of the speaker. Students should get familiar with the words which they consider as new ones and practice them in their everyday life.

 The steps and the requirements in TOEFL strategies for listening section, which are elaborated above should be followed and practiced to manage time while taking up the test. The most important part in listening section is to concentrate on the subject of the speaker, and a student does not have to be distracted by the accent.

1 komentar:

  1. Jasa Pengurusan Cepat Pembuatan Sertifikat TOEFL ITP PBT LIA ILP LIA IELTS Dan Ijazah Resmi Asli Original Mudah Berkualitas Tanpa Tes dan Terpercaya
    Hallo agan-agan sekalian. Perkenalkan Saya Abidin Seto, Di sini kami menyediakan Jasa Pengurusan Pembuatan Sertifikat TOEFL ITP PBT LIA ILP LIA IELTS Dan Ijazah Resmi Asli Original Mudah Berkualitas dan Terpercaya. yang sudah Berpengalaman di bidang ini hampir 4 Tahun..

    Bagi agan2 sekalian pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan namanya TOEFL ataupun IELTS kan?
    TOEFL Merupakan singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language adalah Tes Proficiency yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang tanpa dikaitkan secara langsung dengan proses belajar mengajar..

    Sedangkan IELTS Merupakan Singkatan dari International English Language Testing System.
    Yang artinya adalah Suatu tes Internasional dalam kemampuan bahasa inggris yang diselengarakan oleh Universitas Cambridge , British Council dan IDP Educational Australia.
    Pada Tes IELTS, Bahasa inggris yang di gunakan adalah Bahasa Inggris Britania atau British

    Back to the Topic...

    Dalam hal ini saya selaku Abidin Seto dapat membantu agan2 sekalian untuk pengurusan dan Pembuatan Sertifikat TOEFL dan IELTS yang agan2 inginkan..
    Untuk Pemesanan TOEFL ataupun IELTS gampang kok.

    Dapat di gunakan untuk keperluan
    -Daftar perguruan tinggi Negri
    -Beasiswa Luar/Dalam Negri
    -Daftar kerja BUMN/SWASTA
    -Syarat untuk Wisudah
    -Untuk Skripsi/thesis
    -Kenaikan Jabatan

    Untuk Kwalitas Sertifikatnya?
    -Kita jamin Asli Original Sertifikatnya karna emang sertifikat kita sudah mengunakan Pengaman yang di sebut sebagai Watermark dan sudah LOLOS uji Sinar UV..

    Untuk Lembaganya?
    Untuk Lembaganya kita menyediakan

    Lembaga :
    -IES Foundation
    -ELTI Gramedia
    -EF (English First)
    -ILP Pancoran
    -LBPP LIA Pramuka
    NB : (Reques Lembaga lain juga bisa. Untuk Paketnya sudah di lengkapi COPYAN original atau Legalisir)

    Lembaga :
    -ILP Cikini
    -ILP Pluit
    -ILP Tanjung Duren
    -EF (English First)
    NB : (Untuk paketnya sudah di lengkapi LEGALISIR)

    Lembaga :
    -British Council


    Untuk proses pemesanan memakan waktu berapa hari?
    -Proses pengerjaan 1x24 jam siap kok gan.. Aman Cepat Mudah dan Bergaransi!!

    Untuk pengirimannya?
    -Pengirimanya Seluruh Indonesia bisah kok. Via JNE. Bagi yang Jabodetabek kita bisa bantu untuk gojek

    Untuk Scorsnya?
    -Scors bebas mau berapa aja kita buatkan yang agan mau..

    Apakah Terpercaya?
    -Mungkin bagi agan2 yang baru ingin memesan pasti ragu dengan saya..
    Gak masalah gan, namanya juga costmer saya sebagai penjual mengerti kok :))
    Kalau yang sudah mengenal AbidinSeto pasti uda ga ragu kok gann hehehe.
    Entar di bawah saya kirim bukti sertifikat yang sudah saya urus dan TESTIMONI costmer yang sudah memesan kepada saya..

    Untuk Privasi apakah bisa di jaga?
    -Aman kok agan. Privasi Costmer saya jaga!

    Untuk pemesanan ataupun sekedar tanya2 dan sharing bisa langsung contac saya yah gan
    ~WA/HP : 082168610824
    ~Line : AbidinSeto
    ~Pin BB : D43AA9E0
    ~Email :
    ~IG : AbidinSeto

    Kunjungi juga web blogger kita di bawah ini yahh

    Berikut saya lampirkan Contoh Sertifikat yang sudah saya urus beserta Testimoni Costmer yang sudah memesan..

    ~Wassalam :)
